55 Characteristics of Love


What is love?

Love is something that we as physical beings will never be able to fully comprehend. The word is commonly tossed around and often assumed to be known by many.  Some people spend their whole lives searching for the meaning of an “emotion,” whose true properties are consistently concealed by projections of influenced minds. Love has been misinterpreted for so long, it is no wonder we as human beings lack the capacity to fathom its true meaning in our personal lives.

In sharing the below characteristics of my love, I am not implying that I know every facet of beauty that surrounds the concept’s true potential. I am simply sharing with you what I have touched, seen, and felt within myself, while learning to live in love.

1. Love is only possible when you have faith beyond what can be seen.
2. Love is your moral compass.
3. Love is derived from the happiness of others.
4. Love thrives on positivity.
5. Love never ceases.
6. Love forgives.
7. Love soothes the soul.
8. Love gives.
9. Love submits.
10. Love sees beauty in everything.
11. Love can be felt physically, in the heart.
12. Love spreads light.
13. Love can overwhelm when the heart and mind aren’t in sync.
14. Love is grounded in truth.
15. Love awakens your soul.
16. Love knows itself.
17. Love loves to love.
18. Love is not an emotion, it is a way of life.
19. Love reveals itself slowly, instilling patience as it goes.
20. Love is happy when others are sad.
21. Love grows over time.
22. Love imparts wisdom.
23. Love does not condemn.
24. Love has no expectations; never obliged.
25. Love is freely given to all.
26. Love must be found within.
27. Love does not discriminate.
28. Love is always ready and waiting.
29. Love promotes happiness.
30. Love is insightful.
31. Love lights the soul.
32. Love is open to all.
33. Love never fails.
34. Love is faithfully loyal; never jealous.
35. Love is complete.
36. Love trusts.
37. Love is infinite; beyond measure.
38. Love feels everything.
39. Love is self-taught with spiritual guidance.
40. Love does not judge, it empathizes.
41. Love gives hope.
42. Love is real.
43. Love is centered.
44. Love is evident by behavior.
45. Love guides our lives.
46. Love is always there.
47. Love cements values within your soul.
48. Love is sympathetic to all.
49. Love discerns truth.
50. Love is consciously aware.
51. Love gives sight to the blind.
52. Love feels the pain of others.
53. Love is equal among all living things.
54. Love teaches others.
55. Love is a decision, a choice to endure the trials.

Have you ever lived in love? What was it like? What is your love?

Still curious??

  • Check out my comments on this post, We are All Alien, Chasing Love, as I explain the negative impact of monotony in our lives.
  • I just found a beautiful article on Wayne Dyer’s blog – Make Love Your Habit.  He explains things very simply, yet the meaning behind his words are so powerful.

Love is the beauty that surrounds you – find it!

Heart & Soul



….but how do you find your heart?  Start listening to your conscience and obeying its commands.  That simple.

Find the beauty in yourself.

God’s Love Fills the Earth

LOVE“The LORD loves what is righteous and just; his constant love fills the earth.”

Psalm 33:5 (GNT)

In reference to, “his constant love fills the earth,” what exactly is God’s love?  The love that is known by most of us as human beings is not the love of which this verse is referring. This love is an effect of the presence of the Holy Spirit, God’s witness and protector of man. Without it, what would be here to convict us of guilt or show us the good in the world?

We can know the Holy Spirit is present, when we clearly see and participate in the spreading of God’s light. Ways of doing this could include empathizing and forgiving others, remaining objective in social interactions, observing our behavior in order to catch the wrong we are doing and turn it right, so that others might model their behavior after our own, resulting in the incremental “betterness” of ourselves and those surrounding us. These selfless acts, and ultimate spreading of light, can only be attained through the indwelling of a deep agape love in the very core of our beings; in our hearts (or souls).

Therefore, God’s “constant love fills the earth,” by the continued presence of light, hope, and goodness in the world.  His Witness teaches us to love, by compelling us to do what God loves – that “what is righteous and just,” so that God’s love will continue to spread throughout the world, and “fill the earth.

“The LORD loves what is righteous and just, his constant love fills the earth.”



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Soul Mate: The True Definition

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master…”

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love