

Doubt| mytwisteddream


“6 But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all.  Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. 7-8 If you are like that, unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord.”

-James 1 : 6 – 8 (GNT)

Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. Meaning, whoever doubts no longer has control over his thoughts, behaviors and attitudes, but rather, is controlled by the thoughts, behaviors and attitudes of those surrounding him. Most people probably wouldn’t think twice about the verbiage in this passage, but if you take a minute to comprehend the magnitude of these words, they are truly breathtaking.

Doubt, as defined by

  1. to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe.
  2. to distrust.
  3. to fear; be apprehensive about.

Using the first line of this definition, consider the following:

  • If I consider it questionable or unlikely, that God created man from the dust of the ground, breathing life-giving breath into him, in order to bring him into being; I doubt God’s creation of man.
  • If I consider it questionable or unlikely, that by God’s commandment alone, He created the very earth on which we are living; I doubt the power of God.
  • If I consider it questionable or unlikely, that angels are capable of existing alongside man, even in a realm beyond the one we know to exist, and despite repeated mention of their existence throughout the Bible; I doubt the word of God.

There may be things that we as humans will never be able to comprehend.  Things like the existence of UFOs or the mathematical dimensions of the universe, are pretty vast, and sometimes vague, subjects.  However, if we accept the fact that we are not going to understand everything we encounter in life, and move forward with the open mindset of “what-if?”, then we are already ahead of the game! 

If you find that the mention of any of the above statements, plants a seed of doubt in your heart or mind, then seek out the truth as it applies to your own beliefs, and clear it up! The things we don’t even consider being a hindrance to our faith, are probably the most prominent obstacles we will face. Do not accept things just because someone told you to.  For the love of God, please – UNDERSTAND WHY you are supposed to believe what you are told. Have the answer to any question that might come your way, seek to understand the big picture.  If you get stumped during the process, just ask God for guidance. If you ask, you will receive; if you seek, you will find; if you knock, the door will be opened.  However, do you know what must be done prior to receiving, finding, and having the door opened for you? A conscious and consistent effort on your part for knowledge.

With Love,

nikki | mytwisteddream

“The beauty is there, but you cannot doubt it when you see it.”

DNA Analogy

I had a few more thoughts to add to this post, which is about our DNA coding. Check out the original post here.

The post begins similar to the following, but I expanded on an analogy that was only mentioned briefly…

The Word of God is physically evident through our DNA coding. Our souls receive commands from our body’s “programmer”. This is the same programmer who wrote our program into existence, in order to serve a specific need or purpose. This programmer installs updates and patches to our system as problems arise, in order to create more effective ways of serving our “software’s” intended purpose. Just as we would authorize a computer software update by clicking ‘ok’ or ‘install’, we must also authorize our programmer’s updates. We can do this by listening to what we know needs to be fixed within our essence/being, and then remaining proactive in our “patch’s” resolution to ensure proper installation and function. This update will also help us to better recognize future malfunctions prior to a system crash.

So we can choose to seek a higher state of function, by listening to and doing what will incrementally better ourselves over time, with an end goal of divinity/oneness with our “programmer”. Or we can stubbornly dwell unguarded, in the realm of the physical world, allowing our systems to run without security because we are too busy to simply click the ‘ok’ button. In turn, risking a life full of wasted time and continued frustration.  

It is your machine after all, so the choice is yours alone to make… All you need is a little cognition and patience. Please click okay and choose wisely?!

Find the beauty in yourself.

Why is Psychology Important?


If you cannot operate the machine you are controlling, you will never be able to produce what was meant to be produced. It is necessary to study the mind through psychology, in order to understand how to control it while incarnated on this physical plane of existence.

The Faith of a Child

faith of a child

In Capernaum, near the Sea of Galilee, Jesus was speaking with his disciples about heaven. When the disciples inquired about who was the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven, Jesus welcomed a child into their presence and replied, “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. The greatest in the Kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child.”  (Matthew 18: 3-4)

After reading this, I began to think.  How does one humble himself and become like a child?  What child-like characteristic(s) must one possess in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?  In writing my list of “necessary” traits for the faith of a child, three stood out:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Untainted by Emotion

If we are not curious, we will never learn.

If we cannot forgive, light-stifling darkness will slowly begin to consume our hearts and minds, as our subconscious [unbeknownst to us] secretly dwells on the resentment that remains as a side effect of harboring negative feelings toward another entity.

And finally, if we allow these negative emotions to control us without conscious knowledge of the darkness that is gradually building inside our minds over time, we will begin to weaken and bend until we are no more useful than the keyboard I am typing this on.  We become like puppets, or ‘robots’ as I like to say, our minds being manipulated by the world around us.

All of us have “robot-isms” – it is our human nature.  However, unless you are able to recognize this fact and routinely acknowledge its presence, all while maintaining enough curiosity about its existence, in order to consistently seek out knowledge with the intent of continuously bettering yourself – you just might not enter the Kingdom of heaven (per Jesus).

Face your fears and find the beauty in them!

Heart & Soul



….but how do you find your heart?  Start listening to your conscience and obeying its commands.  That simple.

Find the beauty in yourself.

Man as Machine – Intro to Functions (Diagrammed)


I am passionate in sharing the knowledge I’ve acquired through self-study, by modeling man as a machine.  I discovered this method of at, and recommend it to everyone I know who might be searching for more out of life.

In this model, we are told that there are moving parts within man’s “machine.”  Each part (or function) operates independently from the other, and each has it’s own “mind.”  However, the overall mechanism of man’s machine is dependent upon which of its parts are functioning the best.  Similar to a car, man has an engine to make him run, wheels to make him move, a steering wheel to point him in the right direction, and even a computer chip to notify of possible malfunction.

Analogies and visual aides are my best teachers.  This is the first in my series on Man as Machine:  FUNCTIONS OF MAN

I will forever be grateful to Duncan Macdonald, for compiling such a large amount of knowledge from various sources, and putting it in one place for me to find! 😉